We’re excited to announce the successful completion of our one-year shelf-life study on Gentle-UHT processed human milk.
After the completion of our second successful pilot run of human milk processing we took our 18 and 20 calorie 100% human milk-based products and went directly into a one-year, accelerated shelf-life study.
Glenn Snow
In traditional processing, human milk must be transported and stored frozen. This adds significant costs for hospitals because of cold storage requirements and the increased time in collecting, storing, and handling the milk.
A shelf-stable product can be kept at room temperature, unopened, and there is no freezing, refrigeration, or thawing required. But, while reimaging shelf-stable storage, we had to ensure the quality of the human milk could be maintained.
“Our Gentle-UHT milk performed very well,” shared Glenn Snow, CEO and Co-Founder of LactaLogics. “There wasn’t any degradation of proteins, which is great news for premature infants. It’s an important milestone as we are one step closer to our goal of getting all premature infants access to an exclusive human milk diet.”
Gentle-UHT, LactaLogics’ proprietary processing system, heats human milk for only seconds, while traditional processing heats the milk for 30 minutes. This shorter time allows LactaLogics products to retain what is good for infants while deactivating dangerous bacteria, viruses, molds, and spores. Gentle-UHT technology, combined with our patented aseptic packaging, keeps our human-milk products fresh and safe without refrigeration.

Lactalogics Co-Founder and CEO Glenn Snow in front of the Quality Control Lab.
Snow continued, “With no cold chain logistics required, human milk can now be made available to hospitals through their existing prime vendors and GPOs. This will give more NICUs access to a reliable, safe, and abundant source of human milk.”