LactaLogics is pleased to announce the completion of our second human milk processing pilot run, successfully creating both our 18 and 20 calorie 100% human milk-based products.
Glenn Snow
This is the second time we have processed human milk at the TetraPak Pilot Plant located in Denton, Texas, as the first time we validated how our processing system can scale.
The focus of this follow-up run is to create human milk-based products with flexible calorie and protein content to be used in our upcoming hospital pilot programs. The pilot programs will be run in the NICU as well as used for outpatient use.
“Premature infants have unique nutritional needs. The guidance and feedback we have received from neonatologists are that NICUs need more calorie and protein flexibility” explained Glenn Snow, CEO and Co-Founder of LactaLogics. “This varies greatly from the nutritional needs of a full-term baby. We set out to validate a process that can support both.”
Building on the expanded capabilities of our University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) lab, improved donor screening protocols, as well as the technical capabilities of our milk analyzer, we created flexible protein and calorie options at commercial scale.

“The success of this processing run is a big step for LactaLogics. We are now positioned to bring our human milk-based products to both premature infants currently in the NICU as well as full-term infants that need supplementation,” continued Snow. “Gentle-UHT not only has been validated as a new standard of donor human milk but it’s also been validated as a way to meet the vast nutritional needs of infants, from very low birth weight to full-term infants.”
LactaLogics is now positioned to be a reliable, high-volume supplier of 100% human milk and human milk fortifier, offering the flexible calorie and protein neonatologists need.